Relax RENEW Revive

One to One Baby


A Little bit about ANNETTE
Have you ever felt stuck in that proverbial rut?
Annette understands how that feels through personal experience. Her first marriage was painful and for years she struggled with depression. She felt hopeless with no sense of purpose, feeling powerless, not knowing HOW TO get her life back. She held the belief it was bad luck but soon learned bad luck had little to do with it!
The saying ‘things happen for a reason’ burned in her brain, then she met someone who helped her change her life forever. She had an "AHA" moment realising she didn’t have to do this alone.
She now helps women just like you reawaken their passion for life when they have been thrown a curved ball. So if you can’t see a way out then she will show you how to embrace pastures new so you can find that spark of desire again.
Annette REALLY understands ‘difficult times’, both personal and professional, and the need for tools to bounce back – Especially if you want a FRESH START or simply feel stuck in your current circumstances, and let’s be honest who hasn’t?
Highly skilled and qualified with nearly 20 years’ experience Annette has successfully coached 100’s of clients through challenges including, fresh starts after a broken relationship, increased self-esteem, tapping into and trusting their intuition, as well as coming out the other side of that ‘stuck in a rut experience.
Her expertise, wisdom and understanding has helped a wide range of women at all stages of life, including women in business, busy Mum’s, CEO’s, those who have taken a wrong turn in life and others thinking of retiring or ready for a new exciting adventure. She knows she can help you too.
Annette loves to share her passion for life coaching and its benefits. Her advice has been used in newspaper and magazine articles such as the Telegraph, Women’s Own, and Northern Echo Women as well as BBC radio interviews. Also an accomplished author she recently released her first novel "Imprisoned Heart" available on Amazon.
In Annette's words: "I am a proud winner and Ambassador of the Golden Door book awards 2021. This is a prestigious award that recognises people based solely on the credibility of their work., in this case my novel "Imprisoned Heart". I have also been chosen to receive a REX Karmaveer Truth-writer Fellowship & Chakra Award given especially to writers, who are champions for positive change including my work empowering women all over the globe. This award is sponsored in partnership with the United Nations, who recognise commitment and relentless courage for those walking the path less trodden and initiating a wave of change in society."
She would love to help you BOUNCE BACK too so why not book your personal FREE 60 minute session with Annette today!
Annette offer both Women's Life Coaching and Spiritual Guidance Readings (using her spiritual mediumship skills together with psychometry and cards) at Pure Shores Wellness. Her readings help find clarity, guidance and affirmation in times when you need it most and are extremely popular and valued.
You can either book your reading or life coaching session through Pure Shores Wellness or directly with Annette on 07743 986840 or at annette@annettegreenwood.com. You can also visit her website www.annettegreenwood.com